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5 Money-Saving Tips For Grocery Shopping In Canada

Shopping for groceries can be expensive. Here are five useful tips for saving money on your next grocery shopping trip.

Grocery shopping in Canada

Source: Freepik

Alexa found herself in a grocery store, standing in front of a shelf filled with peanut butter jars, wondering which one she should buy? She would want the best quality and nutrients but want to spend wisely. We all can relate to this situation on some level.   

For Alexa, grocery shopping has always been a daunting task. She does not want to overspend, so she keeps comparing the price of one product to another. She does all this while trying not to compromise on the nutrition of her family.   

So, next time Alexa goes grocery shopping and saves up on her bills, she must read this blog. 

1. Make a grocery list & stick to 

Creating a grocery list is the key to the money-saving strategy. If you have a plan in place of what to buy and stick to it, you do not overspend. For instance, write every item you will buy, and add a few more things you think you might need apart from this. This way, you will know your approximate budget and how much you will spend. Be consistent — make a habit of creating a grocery list every time you go out to shop. And you will not spend impulsively.

2. Eat before you step out grocery shopping:   

Sounds funny? How many times did you go grocery shopping on your way home while returning from work, all the while feeling hungry? We guess many times. But did while you were getting your usual grocery, you also buy some candy bars and a bag of potato chips? Now, this was not on your grocery list, and yet you bought it. All because you went grocery shopping hungry. Even research says you are more likely to spend unnecessarily on snacks when shopping on an empty stomach. So next time, if you are going to buy groceries, do not forget to eat up first

Buy Groceries at generic store
Source: Unsplash

3. Buy in generic 

Try purchasing the no-name brand products. Most of us buy the brands we already know about, even if it costs us more money. You can make this change while getting food products such as seasoning, sugar, salt, flour, spices, among others. To save money on groceries, you can choose generic products or less well-known brand names without compromising quality. You can also shop at discount grocery stores and get your groceries at a lower price.   

4. Cut Coupons 

When shopping at supermarkets these days, you need to keep your eye out for deals and sales promotions.    

While browsing through coupons for sales, look for offers and special promotions that are valid for a limited time. Although it may sound obvious, many people cannot take advantage of these specials. Also, look for Sales. Most grocery stores have sales throughout the year. You can typically find great discounts on meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products.

5. Use cash to pay 

Most people spend more when they buy using their credit cards than when they pay with cash. That is because when you buy using your credit card, there is an added cost for convenience.   

But when you settle the bills in cash, you keep your expenses under control. Try your best to leave your credit card at home when going grocery shopping. You will find out how much money you will save.

Many people will find more ways to save up on their grocery shopping bills because they know how expensive it is. By saving up on your grocery bills, you can save up money for you to spend on other essential items as well. Using these tips will not only help you save up on your bills, but it will also help you get into the habit of saving money, eventually.   

A budget will streamline your spending and save money. However, you must know certain aspects to do so. So, if you are going to make a budget, read up on “Basic Budgeting Tips You Should Know.”


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