Buying A Home Using Facetime: Should We?
Do you have a concern about using Facetime to buy a home? We’ve put together a quick guide to assist you. To learn more, read this blog.

Source: Pexels
Do you love seeing someone while talking to them? Well then, a quick facetime would give you a great visual experience. Have you ever thought of making the largest investment of your life via facetime? Wait, is that even possible? Well, yes! Let’s dive into this article and explore how you can buy a home using facetime.
Buying a house without actually visiting it feels impossible. Doesn’t it? It’s certainly not the normal or preferred way of buying a house. While home purchases haven’t gone the way of a one-button transaction, it is now entirely possible to buy a house without physically visiting it. Thanks to modern technology.
Buying without seeing the property: Pro tips, precautions, and tools to help you in your search.
If you don’t have the luxury of a physical tour, then there are many ways to reduce the unknowns and risks associated with virtual home buying. Let’s look at how you can use FaceTime and a great real estate agent to ensure a successful home purchase. But first, let’s look at the pros and cons!
Pros and consequences for Buying a home using facetime:
Buyers can view a property without leaving their homes.
What could be better than browsing potential new home videos while dressed in sweatpants or pajamas?
Buyers Can Visit Several Houses in a Short Period of Time
Spending a day driving, taking notes, and trying to remember them all can be exhausting and time-consuming. Virtual tours enable you to view a large number of houses in a short period of time and compare them side by side from the comfort of your computer screen.
Virtual Tours Provide a Detailed Representation of a Property.
In marketing images, appearances can be deceiving with online dating sites. We’ve all seen wide lens photos where a room appears to be wide. It was only to discover that it’s narrow when we see it in person. As moving film with humans for reference, a 3D virtual tour eliminates that issue.
An agent can send it to many prospective buyers at once.
Real estate is fuelled in part by social media. A savvy agent can attract thousands of prospective buyers from all over the world simply by posting a link to a virtual tour.

Buyers can’t get a feel for the neighborhood using a computer.
A virtual tour cannot tell if the house next door is abandoned or has a car frame on cement blocks in the front garden.
It’s difficult to judge natural lighting on a computer.
A virtual tour is far more accurate than a photograph. Determining how much natural light a home receives is still difficult.
The Infrastructure of a House Cannot Be Evaluated
The refrigerator could impersonate a steam engine. The kitchen sink pipe could be leaking water in the style of splash mountain. Only a home inspection or in-person home showing will reveal these flaws.
If you decide to buy a home based on a virtual tour, then please ensure that it has been inspected by a professional and that you are satisfied with the results. Alternatively, don’t make an offer until you’ve seen the house in person.
Hire an agent who is well-versed in the area and has experience working with long-distance clients.
In any home-buying situation, having an excellent agent on your side is critical. When you buy something sight unseen then you’re putting another layer of trust in the seller. The agent should be familiar with the area and have previous experience with clients purchasing a home sight unseen.
How many bad decisions have you made as a tourist in a new place because you didn’t know any better? Consider a time when you chose a bad restaurant or took a wrong turn. Undoubtedly, it’s frustrating.
But now you’re up against hundreds of thousands of dollars and the hassle of a long-distance move. You should hire a top local agent. An agent who is deeply rooted in the community and knows the market inside and out. Otherwise, you’ll be navigating unknown territory as an out-of-towner… without a tour guide!
Take measurements of the house.
As many real estate photographers use wide-angle lenses, what appears to be spacious in a photo may be much smaller in person. Your agent can assist you in taking measurements to see if your furniture will fit and determine the true size of a room.
Have your agent walk you through homes using FaceTime.
Technology is an essential component of buying a house from afar. Many homes for sale online will have a plethora of listing photos to scrutinize. It also has virtual walkthroughs to help you decide whether the home is worth a closer look.
For certain listings, some agents may be able to guide you through a home using a virtual reality headset. Make use of these tools to rule out properties that are not suitable. Once you’ve decided on which homes you want to see then let your agent schedule some showings.
Let the agent also take you on a tour via FaceTime. Sounds simple, but the beauty of FaceTime is that you can get a better sense of the flow of the house. You can also ask your agent some questions in real-time as they walk through each room to truly get a feel for a property.
If you have no choice but to buy a house sight unseen, then make sure you know the lay of the land. You also need to ensure that you have used all the tools at your disposal to virtually view the property. You need to work with a pro who can guide you through the process.
However, if you can make a quick trip out to see the house in person then there is simply no substitute for physical viewing.