Dos And Don’ts While Filing Your Car Insurance Claim In Canada
Car insurance is the first thing that you need to invest in to safeguard your family and yourself from any unexpected events. Read this blog to find out the dos and don’ts you need to keep in mind when filing for a car insurance claim in Canada.

Source: Pexels
A car can be your most loved possession. You do everything possible to keep it scratch-free and risk-free!
God forbid, what if your car meets an unexpected accident?
You will do everything to file the perfect claim for your car, so you get back the most right.
However, there are mistakes you might make while filing your claims, which makes it difficult for you to get back the most!
Here, we are going to list down the top important dos and don’ts which you should follow while you file your car insurance claim in Canada-
1. Do inform first
Unfortunately, if your car meets with an accident, the first thing for you to do is to inform your car insurer about it.
Even if you have invested in one of the best car policies, it can all go down the drain if you cannot inform them on time! Some policy companies may set a seven-day gap, or some may even keep a 48-hour for you to notify them!
You can take full advantage of your policy if you know how to claim it on time.
2. Do not conceal information
One mistake you might make is to hide facts and information from your insurance company.
Many times, you might not report the damage during the accident. This practice can be risky, as your entire claim can get rejected due to not presenting complete information.

3. Review your policy
You may not review your car policy carefully and sign the policy in a hurry.
It is always advisable for you to double-check and double review all the terms and conditions of your car policy before signing it. This step is very crucial during the time you file your claim.
A reviewed car policy ensures you do not face any problems filing a claim for your car.
4. Do not get swayed by dealers’ offers
Often when two cars meet with an accident, the two parties try to settle everything down on their own, or any third party tries to help settle things for you.
Involving yourself in any such practice might seem an excellent choice for you, but in the end, it can be a completely illegal activity.
If you accept any settlement from a third party with no FIR registered or informing the police, you might find yourself in illegal activities!
Note that an FIR will help you claim your car insurance policy to the fullest.
A car accident is not in your hands. It can happen because of any unfortunate event.
If you know how to file your insurance claim for your car in the right way, you will get maximum benefits from it.